Category Archives: Blog

We know that the passionate kratom enthusiasts are not just interested in buying kratom when they visit our website. They want to stay informed about all the latest developments in the kratom industry in the US and across the world. As the new varietities and types of kratom products keep coming into the market, our kratom connoisseurs want to be informed of them. Therefore, at Kratom-k, we have a dedicated kratom blogs section on our website that talks about everything and anything related to kratom.

All the color varieties, all the kratom strains, all the in-house kratom products including kratom capsules and kratom powder, and all the famous branded kratom products are discussed here.

You will also find blogs that will tell you about ways to save on kratom. Some articles would suggest you all the best kratom strains, most popular types of kratom capsules, most popular types of kratom powders, and some will dicuss kratom strains with you like what is Maeng Da kratom or talk about Indo or Bali kratom strains. You will also find articles that talk about the prospects of a kratom ban or simply tell you about the history of Mitragyna Speciosa.

In short, you are sure to find all the very interesting and informative kratom blogs on this section of our website. Never buy kratom without reading about the kratom strain or variety on our kratom blogs section!

Browse through our collection of kratom blogs. They are sure to benefit you in more than one way!

How to Use Kratom for Gardening

how to use kratom

Just found out that you can garden Kratom and on the search for instructions on how to use Kratom for gardening? You’ve come to the right place! This article will provide all the relevant information that will help you understand about using Kratom for gardening. There’s a lot about Kratom gardening that people don’t know, […]

Reddit Kratom

reddit kratom

Is there a better place than the Reddit Kratom community to get reliable information on Kratom? We don’t think so! Kratom forums like the Reddit community help customers gather all the information they need on the famous Kratom herb. Kratom has grown in prominence over the last few decades, and today there are thousands of […]

Kratom Withdrawal by DEA from Schedule-I Intent

kratom withdrawal

Kratom may be largely legal today, but did you know that there were attempts to place a complete Kratom ban in the US? However, these attempts were thwarted, and there was a Kratom withdrawal by DEA from Schedule-I intent. Back in 2016, the DEA first announced its intention to place a Kratom ban as it […]

Kratom Dosage to Make Soap

kratom dosage

Curious about the correct Kratom dosage to make soap? You’ve come to the right place! At Kratom-K, we love to provide our valued readers with a ton of information regarding Kratom and its different varieties! This article will discuss the correct dosage of kratom to make soap and the process behind making this soap. There […]

Red Kratom


Did you know that it’s possible to buy Kratom in several different Kratom colors, such as Red Kratom? That’s right, Kratom vendors provide Kratom for sale in a host of colors such as Green, White, Red, and sometimes even Yellow and Gold! Despite all these Kratom colors being available, the Red Vein Kratom varieties have […]

Best Kratom Capsules

best kratom capsules

Over the past decade, Kratom capsules have become one of the top varieties of Kratom for sale available. This has led to countless Kratom buyers searching for the best Kratom capsules in the market! Public opinion varies widely in this matter. While some Kratom enthusiasts are of the view that Maeng Da Kratom or the […]

Is Kratom Legal?

is kratom legal

Tired of not knowing the proper answer to ‘Is Kratom legal?’ every time this topic is discussed? Chances are, you’re already aware of the different types of Kratom strains and the forms they are available in. However, your knowledge of Kratom can’t be considered complete till you know the answer to this question. No doubt, […]

Where Can I Buy Kratom?

where can i buy kratom

From the greens of Asia to the vast swath of the US, Kratom has traveled around the world, and people have appreciated it. Kratom similar fanatics are always on the lookout for good quality Kratom products from online and local vendors they can trust, while others search “where can I buy Kratom?” Although you can […]

Pros and Cons of Buying Bulk Kratom

bulk kratom

The Black Friday and end of year sales prove that people prefer buying things on sale and in bulk, especially those of everyday use. If you’re buying your weekly supplies and other household items in large quantities, why not do the same for bulk Kratom too? Buying Kratom bulk will allow you to save money […]

Malay Kratom- Interesting Facts


If you are just starting with Kratom, you must learn about Kratom strains first before buying anything Kratom related. Out of dozens of options available, Malay Kratom is considered as a perfect option for people just starting with Kratom. You must be wondering: but why? Why it is a good option for those just beginning […]